
Pilates Group Classes on Mat

Pilatese harjutused tugevdavad kerelihaseid, parandavad painduvust, toovad tähelepanu kehaasendile ja suurendavad kehatunnetust. Grupitunnis liigume koos, keskendume teadlikkusele ja kehatunnetuse arendamisele ja oleme teineteisele toeks.

Pilatese grupitund matil - Leg Pull
Acticade treener aitab naist Pilates Tower seadmel, et parandada jalgade tugevust ja liikuvust peale puusa operatsiooni.

Pilates to Relieve Back Pain – Pilates for chronic pain

Pilatese treening saab aidata kroonilise seljavalu korral. Personaaltunnis kasutame Pilatese seadmeid, et parandada liikumismustreid, rahustada ületöötavaid lihaseid ja ergutada stabiliseerivaid lokaalseid lihaseid.

Tennis and Pilates – tailored trainings for racket sports

Pilates can be highly beneficial for tennis, badminton, squash, and padel players. Acticade™ personal trainings combine best Pilates and mobility exercises to improve overall strength, flexibility, balance, and body awareness.

Acticade treener juhendab meessoost kettagolfarit Pilates Tower seadmel lülisammast sirutama, et tugevdada ülakeha ja õlavöödet.
Naisklient teeb reformeril merineitsi harjutust küljele pöördega lülisamba liikuvuse parandamiseks Acticade Pilatese stuudios.

Golf and Pilates – improve your game

Golf involves stable and balanced movements throughout the swing. Pilates exercises target the deep stabilizing muscles, improving balance, control, and proprioception. Enhanced stability and balance contribute to a more controlled and consistent swing.


Be aware of the following to truly enjoy Pilates classes:

Of course! Pilates is for everybody and personal trainings are the best option to start with.

Class is 50min. 

You don’t need shoes, but socks are required to attend the class. Dress comfortably, so that you can move freely and feel good.

All sessions are held at FORUS Spordikeskus Tondi, Sõjakooli tn 10, 11316 Tallinn. You can park for free 2h around the building. Please remember to register your vehicle at the parking kiosk located inside the FORUS building. If you need assistance on finding the right room ask FORUS administrator.

Of course! Studies show that we are better at sticking to a workout routine when we have someone supporting us. So, I strongly encourage you to bring a friend along. It's easier together!

Yes, all Acticade™ trainings can be found in Stebby.

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