Tennis and Pilates

How does Pilates support racket sports?

Pilates exercises improve stability, flexibility, balance, and body awareness. You achieve a better sense of well-being and enhanced performance in the game.

1. Core Strength: Pilates focuses on developing a strong core, which is crucial for generating power and stability in tennis strokes. A strong core helps with rotational movements, allowing players to transfer energy effectively from the lower body to the upper body.

2. Flexibility: Tennis and other racket sports require a wide range of motion in various joints, particularly in the shoulders, hips, and spine. Pilates exercises can enhance flexibility and joint mobility, enabling players to execute strokes with greater ease and reducing the risk of injury.

3. Posture and Alignment: Pilates emphasizes proper alignment and body awareness, which are vital for maintaining good posture on the court. Improved posture helps players optimize their balance and movement efficiency, leading to more effective strokes and reduced strain on the body.

4. Stability and Balance: All racket sports involve dynamic movements and quick changes in direction. Pilates exercises challenge balance and stability, enhancing proprioception and help players maintain control during rapid movements, accelerations, and decelerations.

6. Injury Prevention: Pilates can aid in injury prevention by strengthening the muscles around vulnerable areas such as the knees, shoulders, and lower back. It also helps correct muscle imbalances and improves overall body mechanics, reducing the risk of common tennis-related injuries.

6. Breathing and Mind-Body Connection: Pilates emphasizes coordinated breathing patterns with movement, facilitating relaxation, focus, and concentration. Developing a strong mind-body connection through Pilates can enhance mental resilience, concentration, and overall performance during the game.

In Acticade™ Tennis and Pilates personal training, we incorporate specific mobility exercises into Pilates routines to improve racket grip, strengthen the mobility and endurance of the shoulder, elbow, knee, and hip joints, and relax the corresponding muscles.

Racket sports

Tennis, badminton, squash, paddle, table tennis, and other similar sports.

Lateral epicondylitis aka tennis elbow.

Pilatese harjutused liikuvuselementidega, mis aitavad ennetada and leevendada küünarliigese vigastusi. Akuutse valu korral konsulteeri enne tundi tulekut oma arsti või füsioterapeudiga.


Pilates is suitable for rehabilitation after surgeries or injuries. In case of acute pain, consult your doctor or physiotherapist before attending a class.
Tennis ja Pilates treening parandab sooritust reketimängudes.

How does Pilates support racket sports?

Racket sports

Tennis, badminton, squash, paddle, table tennis, and other similar sports.

Lateral epicondylitis aka tennis elbow.

Pilates, combined with mobility exercises, helps prevent and alleviate elbow injuries. In case of acute pain, consult your doctor or physiotherapist before attending a class.


Pilates is suitable for rehabilitation after surgeries or injuries. In case of acute pain, consult your doctor or physiotherapist before attending a class.
Tennis ja Pilates treening parandab sooritust reketimängudes.

Pilates exercises improve stability, flexibility, balance, and body awareness. You achieve a better sense of well-being and enhanced performance in the game.

1. Core Strength: Pilates focuses on developing a strong core, which is crucial for generating power and stability in tennis strokes. A strong core helps with rotational movements, allowing players to transfer energy effectively from the lower body to the upper body.

2. Flexibility: Tennis and other racket sports require a wide range of motion in various joints, particularly in the shoulders, hips, and spine. Pilates exercises can enhance flexibility and joint mobility, enabling players to execute strokes with greater ease and reducing the risk of injury.

3. Posture and Alignment: Pilates emphasizes proper alignment and body awareness, which are vital for maintaining good posture on the court. Improved posture helps players optimize their balance and movement efficiency, leading to more effective strokes and reduced strain on the body.

4. Stability and Balance: All racket sports involve dynamic movements and quick changes in direction. Pilates exercises challenge balance and stability, enhancing proprioception and help players maintain control during rapid movements, accelerations, and decelerations.

6. Injury Prevention: Pilates can aid in injury prevention by strengthening the muscles around vulnerable areas such as the knees, shoulders, and lower back. It also helps correct muscle imbalances and improves overall body mechanics, reducing the risk of common tennis-related injuries.

6. Breathing and Mind-Body Connection: Pilates emphasizes coordinated breathing patterns with movement, facilitating relaxation, focus, and concentration. Developing a strong mind-body connection through Pilates can enhance mental resilience, concentration, and overall performance during the game.

In Acticade™ Tennis and Pilates personal training, we incorporate specific mobility exercises into Pilates routines to improve racket grip, strengthen the mobility and endurance of the shoulder, elbow, knee, and hip joints, and relax the corresponding muscles.

How does Pilates support racket sports?

Racket sports

Tennis, badminton, squash, paddle, table tennis, and other similar sports.

Lateral epicondylitis aka tennis elbow.

Pilates, combined with mobility exercises, helps prevent and alleviate elbow injuries. In case of acute pain, consult your doctor or physiotherapist before attending a class.


Pilates is suitable for rehabilitation after surgeries or injuries. In case of acute pain, consult your doctor or physiotherapist before attending a class.
Tennis ja Pilates treening parandab sooritust reketimängudes.

Pilates exercises improve stability, flexibility, balance, and body awareness. You achieve a better sense of well-being and enhanced performance in the game.

1. Core Strength: Pilates focuses on developing a strong core, which is crucial for generating power and stability in tennis strokes. A strong core helps with rotational movements, allowing players to transfer energy effectively from the lower body to the upper body.

2. Flexibility: Tennis and other racket sports require a wide range of motion in various joints, particularly in the shoulders, hips, and spine. Pilates exercises can enhance flexibility and joint mobility, enabling players to execute strokes with greater ease and reducing the risk of injury.

3. Posture and Alignment: Pilates emphasizes proper alignment and body awareness, which are vital for maintaining good posture on the court. Improved posture helps players optimize their balance and movement efficiency, leading to more effective strokes and reduced strain on the body.

4. Stability and Balance: All racket sports involve dynamic movements and quick changes in direction. Pilates exercises challenge balance and stability, enhancing proprioception and help players maintain control during rapid movements, accelerations, and decelerations.

6. Injury Prevention: Pilates can aid in injury prevention by strengthening the muscles around vulnerable areas such as the knees, shoulders, and lower back. It also helps correct muscle imbalances and improves overall body mechanics, reducing the risk of common tennis-related injuries.

6. Breathing and Mind-Body Connection: Pilates emphasizes coordinated breathing patterns with movement, facilitating relaxation, focus, and concentration. Developing a strong mind-body connection through Pilates can enhance mental resilience, concentration, and overall performance during the game.

In Acticade™ Tennis and Pilates personal training, we incorporate specific mobility exercises into Pilates routines to improve racket grip, strengthen the mobility and endurance of the shoulder, elbow, knee, and hip joints, and relax the corresponding muscles.

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